Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday Five!

Oh it has been so long! But I'm back, and so are my Thursday Five posts! :)


The weather this week has been outstanding! It has been so nice that I spent hours outside of Starbucks yesterday studying!

I am proud to say that I was awarded a nursing scholarship at my new school!! Just another blessing!

I am SO energized about moving back to Athens. I want to NOW!!

My Scentsy team is doing absolutely SPLENDID! It has doubled in size in the last 3 months! :)

I did a surprisingly wonderful job on my test last week! The professor told us the highest grade, and when I got my paper back, it was me! Yay! 

Go link up with the other Nicole and tell us about your week!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud that you got a scholarship! All your hard work has paid off! YAY! :)
